Sen. Barack Obama is a bi-racial man running for president. Most people label him as African-American. Any way you slice it, some people do not support him solely because of his race. There, I said it.
Saying race doesn’t matter ill serves Obama and America
by Kira Banks | May 19, 2008 | Opinion Pieces | 1 comment
I don’t know how to thank you for sharing your story. I know there’s nohitng someone like me, who you don’t know personally, can ever do, except provide support and THANK YOU. My situation was so much milder than that I can’t even pretend to have been in your situation, but I was cornered by a trusted male adult when I was 13 and interacted with inappropriately. Knowing how that “minor” thing affected me for life, I can only imagine what you have struggled through to get to a health place in your life. Again, sending thoughts of support and light.