Can we say “Informed consent?”

Informed consent is a concept that guides present day practitioners to inform participants, in research or a procedure, what they are signing up for. You are responsible for communicating your methods in a way that participants can understand so that they can make a...

More than words

I am particularly struck by the importance of language and terminology at this time of year. With the celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., talk of race is everywhere. “Have we achieved his dream,” is the constant question. Some would argue that Obama is King’s...

Five tips for raising racially aware children

A recent article in the Race, Frankly series covered the hard work of parents in the Community Connection program in the Webster Groves school district. It got me thinking about explicit actions that we can take as parents to raise racially aware children. Read the...

Something precious is missing

Living outside of a major metropolitan area can put a damper on being a moviegoer, but I finally saw Precious. From all the reviews, I had a hunch the essence of the book would be lost in translation. In many ways, the film captures the basic elements of interpersonal...