The many shades of blackness

Jesse Jackson was recently reported saying, “You can’t vote against health care and call yourself a black man,” by the Hill newspaper . Jackson was speaking at a Congressional Black Caucus reception where he was being honored for the 25th anniversary...

Diversity training is a step, not a solution

If only we could train racism away. That was my reaction to the settlement regarding six African-American students from Washington University who filed a civil complaint of racial discrimination against Chicago Club, The Original Mothers. The club has agreed to...

Between racist and colorblind

Several recent news stories have illustrated our inability to avoid extremism when it comes to racial issues. Take the Tea Party demonstrations: either participants are racist or not. How about the Newsweek article that examined children’s racial attitudes? They...

Focusing on beer ignores institutional racism

I was avoiding writing about the Gates-Crowley incident. Why? Because it is not novel. Anyone who has a close relationship with a person of color – or a college-age fraternity male for that matter – has likely heard a similar story. You (or your...