by Kira Banks | Nov 20, 2009 | Opinion Pieces
Jesse Jackson was recently reported saying, “You can’t vote against health care and call yourself a black man,” by the Hill newspaper . Jackson was speaking at a Congressional Black Caucus reception where he was being honored for the 25th anniversary...
by Kira Banks | Nov 2, 2009 | Opinion Pieces
If only we could train racism away. That was my reaction to the settlement regarding six African-American students from Washington University who filed a civil complaint of racial discrimination against Chicago Club, The Original Mothers. The club has agreed to...
by Kira Banks | Oct 15, 2009 | Opinion Pieces
I’ve been sitting back and watching the fireworks with the Rush Limbaugh-Rams story. Initially, I thought it was a non-story. Society is full of powerful people who have made controversial remarks. It would not be the first time we had an outspoken and...
by Kira Banks | Sep 18, 2009 | Opinion Pieces
Several recent news stories have illustrated our inability to avoid extremism when it comes to racial issues. Take the Tea Party demonstrations: either participants are racist or not. How about the Newsweek article that examined children’s racial attitudes? They...
by Kira Banks | Jul 31, 2009 | Opinion Pieces
I was avoiding writing about the Gates-Crowley incident. Why? Because it is not novel. Anyone who has a close relationship with a person of color – or a college-age fraternity male for that matter – has likely heard a similar story. You (or your...