by Kira Banks | Sep 18, 2009 | Opinion Pieces
Several recent news stories have illustrated our inability to avoid extremism when it comes to racial issues. Take the Tea Party demonstrations: either participants are racist or not. How about the Newsweek article that examined children’s racial attitudes? They...
by Kira Banks | Jul 31, 2009 | Opinion Pieces
I was avoiding writing about the Gates-Crowley incident. Why? Because it is not novel. Anyone who has a close relationship with a person of color – or a college-age fraternity male for that matter – has likely heard a similar story. You (or your...
by Kira Banks | Jul 20, 2009 | Opinion Pieces
As the “Race, Frankly” series begins, I feel it is essential that we have a conversation about terminology. Notice that I said “conversation,” because I do not assume that we will agree on every definition or concept. That is not the goal. The goal is for us to engage...
by Kira Banks | Jul 6, 2009 | Opinion Pieces
Race is a social construction. Science tells us that there is more commonality across what we know as racial groups than within groups. So, why is it that we continue to see race, when it has no scientific basis? The reason is that we have given it significant social...
by Kira Banks | Jul 1, 2009 | Opinion Pieces
The Ricci v. DeStefano decision is as much about psychometrics as it is about race. However, the sexy headlines will hail a victory for reverse discrimination. We as a country are inherently defensive about race and eager to move beyond it quick to claim that, with a...
by Kira Banks | Jun 22, 2009 | Opinion Pieces
Recent events have made me wonder why we, as a nation, continue to treat bigotry like the unstable relative at a family gathering – we know it’s there, try to ignore it, act somewhat surprised when it acts up and think not talking about it will lessen the...